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Difficult to exactly define this designer because her achievements touch both the crafts of luxury (through decoration and fashion) and textile art.
After studying art, the thread and the needle became very quickly its main and unique means of expression. In the early nineties, she discovered the technique of Provençal boutis which literally allows to"sculpt" the fabric in order to get real low reliefs, it's a true revelation for her !
Faithful to her first love and willing to make boutis differently, she quickly creates her own designs by being inspired by Asia, Africa and going up to an abstraction that plays with rhythm, relief and color.
Meanwhile a fruitful meeting allows her to discover the work of silk and she was also conquered by this material which is so alive and so easy to work.
Today, she puts its overflowing creativity and technical expertise at the service of decoration, fashion, textile art and crafts.

Dominique Fave Broderie


- Préparation à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure département « Art et Création industrielle », Lyon.

- Ecole d’Arts Appliqués, Lyon.

- Ecole des Beaux-arts, Marseille et Valence.

- Bac littéraire et artistique (A7). 



(non exhaustive list)

- 2018 : collective exhibition AMBIGUÏTÉ

avec Ateliers d'Art de France - Paris.

- 2017 : collective exhibition SUR LE FIL

avec Ateliers d'Art de France - Paris.

- 2016, 2015, 2011 et 2009 : expositions to the "Château de l'Arthaudière" (Isère/ France)

- 2014 : participation the second Ob'Art show to Montpellier (France).

- From 2011 to 2015 : participations to the QUILT EXPO EN BEAUJOLAIS (France).

- 2015, 2013 et 2009 : personnel exhibition to the "Carrefour Européen du Patchwork" (France).

- 2011 : Participation to the exposition « Bijoux textiles » in Hong Kong (Japan).

- And so on ...


Dominique Fave french quilting designer
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