Pay attention: there are boutis and BOUTIS !
Boutis currently sold in our decoration shops, mail order catalogues and in other supermarkets are only simple quilted blankets made thanks to much simpler technique (3 layers of fabric stitched together) and which gives much less relief to the work. This is an identity theft!
The technique of Provençal boutis literally allows to"sculpt" the fabric in order to get real low reliefs.
To make a traditionnal Provençal BOUTIS or "French quilting":
First you have to stitch your two fabrics together along the whole drawing.
When the work is completely stitched, you can start the padding to give the desired relief.
To do this, turn the work upside down and at the base of each small area using a short stich of boxwood, boutis tweezers or a pin, spread the weft of the fabric without breaking fibers in order to get a small hole. Thus you can insert the cotton wicks between the two layers of the fabric.
Once an element of the pattern is highlighted, the hole can be closed by placing the thread of warp and weft in their initial position with a needle and do the same for the whole work. It will become a real low relief.
2 videos to understand :
How to stitch a Provençal boutis How to stuff a Provençal boutis
But the technical and iconographic approach of Dominique Fave is more contemporary :
She changed this traditional technique particularly by using the sewing machine and by working on coloured silk (whereas the old boutis are usually made of batiste).
She finds more varied inspiration themes, keeping with the trends of contemporary design.
She isn't afraid to mix different techniques and materials.
This is the way she considers the boutis …

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